Xp-3D Finisher. Minimally Invasive. Anatomical Cleaning. By Brasseler USA

Order your no-risk XP-3D Starter Kit today


For simpler ordering and convenience, try XP-3D+ ProKit, available in 21mm and 25mm. Each kit contains everything needed for your full XP-3D root canal therapy.

  • Anatomical canal preparation from start to finish
Each XP-3D+ ProKit sterile blister pack contains:

  • 1 K-File #10/.02
  • 1 XP-3D Scout File #15
  • 1 XP-3D Shaper+ #30
  • 1 XP-3D Finisher #30


Microbial reduction is the key to endodontic success. Therefore this result shows the XP-3D superiority in that regard.

From the study “Efficacy of Four Irrigation Protocols in Killing Bacteria Colonized in Dentinal Tubules Examined by a Novel Confocal Laser Scanning Microscope Analysis”.

Request an In-Office XP-3D Demonstration